Our Programs
Christopher Aaron Counseling Center is committed to welcome, identify, engage, and serve individuals with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders.
About Our Programs
Christopher Aaron Counseling Center is committed to welcome, identify, engage, and serve individuals with co-occurring substance abuse and mental health disorders. Our programs provide services that incorporate understanding of substance abuse problems as they relate to and affect the mental health disorder. We strive to provide individuals with a better understanding and self-awareness, increase self-sufficiency and develop a greater independence. The benefits from counseling may be an improved ability to relate with others; a clearer understanding of self, values, goals; increased academic productivity; and an ability to deal with everyday stress. All services are provided from a “strengths based” model and including building natural supports.
Out-Patient Therapy for Children and Adults
We offer outpatient therapy in our offices and in the community, depending upon the needs of each client. This service is provided by licensed social workers.
Home and Community Treatment (HCT) for Children
This service is provided through MaineCare only.
This therapy model is a two-personal clinical team, a licensed social worker and a behavioral health professional. This service is provided with active parent involvement. The goal is to assist the family better understand their mental health needs and effectively work together on their challenges by setting short term and long term goals. The team work with families to increase communication, decrease conflict through role-modeling, behavioral changes and assisting in developing parenting skills.
Targeted Case Management
The goal of this relationship is to empower the client while assisting them to secure the services they need on their journey to greater independence.